Tall Ships and Traditional Sail
Being lulled to sleep by the hum of waves rushing past the gently rocking hull. The thrill of exceding the threoretical hull speed of your vessel through judicious trimming of the sails. Joining the playful spirit of porpoises as they ride your bow waves. Feeling the age of 10,000-year-old ice in your bones as you peer into the translucent blue of a looming iceberg as tall as a hill. Seeing the sky so clearly that the milky way casts a reflection on the water. These are but a few of the powerful sensations of sailing on a traditional vessel.

Tall Ships: A Fleet for the 21st Century 3rd Edition by Thad Koza. Contains well-composed pictures and descriptions of hundreds of the world's current fleet of tall ships. Simply beautiful.
Traditional Sail
- Books first hand accounts of traditional sail
- Reference Books for traditional sailors
- ASTA -- the American Sail Training Association
- Mark Rosenstein's sailing page
Traditional Sailing Vessels
A collection of ships and boats I have an interest in or a connection to.