H.M.S. Rose off Ferryland, August 1995. Printed from shanty.rendance.org Site contents © 1993-2009 Andrew Draskóy excepting product images and lyrics.
The Dead Horse Shanty - as sung by the crew of Zawisza Czarny

Oh, poor old man your horse will die
And we say so, and we know so
Oh, poor old man your horse will die
Oh, poor old man

We'll hoist him up to the main yardarm
We'll hoist him up to the main yardarm

Say, I old man your horse will die
Say, I old man your horse will die

We'll drop him down to the depths of the sea
We'll drop him down to the bottom of the sea

We'll sing him down with a long, long roll
Where the sharks'll have his body
  and the devil have have his soul