From Liverpool docks we bid adieu
To Suke, and Sal, and Kittie too
The anchor's weighed and the sails unfurl
We're bound to cross the watery row
For we know we're outward bound
Hurrah, we're outward bound
The wind it blows from the east nor'east
Our ship will scud ten knots at least
The purser would our wants supply
So while with life we'll never say die
And should we touch at Malabar
Or any other quarters far
Our purser he will tip the chink
And just like fishes we will drink
Then at last our captain comes on board
Our sails are bent, we're manned and stored
The Peter's hoisted at the fore
Good-bye to the girls we'll see no more
For we know we're homeward bound
Hurrah, we're homeward bound
One day the man on the look-out
Proclaims a sail with a joyful shout
"Can you make her out?" "I think I can;
She's a pilot standing out from the land"
And when we're hauled into Liverpool docks
Them bloomers all come 'round in flocks
Them pretty girls, we hear 'em say
"Here comes Jack with his twelve-month pay"
Next we go to the Dog and Bell
Where there's good vittle there to sell
When in comes Archie with a smile
"Drink up me boys, it's worth your while"
When poor Jack's money is gone and spent
Nor more to be had, no more to be lent
Then in comes Archie with a frown
Saying "Rise up Jack, let John sit down"
And so poor Jack must understand
There's ships in the harbour needing hands
So stows his gear like he did before
And says farewell to the Liverpool shore
For he knows he's outward bound
Hurrah, he's outward bound