H.M.S. Rose off Ferryland, August 1995. Printed from shanty.rendance.org Site contents © 1993-2009 Andrew Draskóy excepting product images and lyrics.
The Yankee Ship

Well, a Yankee ship sailed down the river
Blow, boys, blow
Oh, a Yankee ship in the Congo River
Blow, me bully boys, blow

How do you know she's a Yankee clipper?
The Stars and Stripes they fly above her

And who do you think's the skipper of her?
Old Holy Joe the darkie slaver

And what do you think she's got for cargo?
Guns and shot, she runs the embargo

What do you think they'll have for dinner?
Hot water soup, but slightly thinner

Blow today, and blow tomorrow
Blow for all old tars in sorrow